Go White Right

There is a growing trend in hair color and it is not the typical varieties of red for fall, caramel ombrѐ or butterscotch highlights for the holidays… it is silver!

There is a definite difference between the ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have Nots’. The Millennials and even some Gen X’s are experimenting with silver as a new and different haircolor. Others have it naturally and are letting it show.

Lakeland Hair Colorist Gray Hair

There were the Silent Few that quietly let their color treated hair grow out to silver. The ones who never colored their hair naturally became grey or white with age as did generations before them. It wasn’t a fashion statement; it was just what they decided to do. Some of these lovely ladies still color their hair… and wouldn’t have it any other way.

We have heard ad nauseam about the Baby Boomers turning grey. The Boomers, being 76.4 million strong, grew up being a force to be reckoned with and over half are women. Everything they did was noticed! And, of course, they never do anything silently. They were the super moms that managed to climb the ladder of success while staying younger looking with diet, exercise, lotions, potions, nips, tucks and the latest fabulous hair colors.

Today, these 50 to 60 something women— with an attitude they seemingly were born with —are not letting fashion dictate their choice of hair color. Some want to continue coloring their hair because they love it— how it makes them look, how it makes them feel and it is a luxury they can afford. Others, on the other hand, are becoming rather curious as to what that silver mine— which continues to sparkle between touchups —may look like. They have been seeing images for several years in every form of media, of celebrities going grey or silvery white. When it gets in a Boomer’s head that it’s time to go for the silver— they will rock it with style and sex appeal— not in a rocking-chair!

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Lois Joy Johnson, an award winning beauty and style editor, prolific advocate for women over 40, and a founding editor of MORE magazine, wrote in a blog for AARP, “Good news! The things-that-make-us-look-old list is getting shorter. We’re down to three: wrinkles, brown spots and a saggy body. There used to be five but whitening strips eliminated yellow teeth and now grey hair —the ultimate taboo— is a definite do, not a don‘t.”

If you have observed the silver in your hair and are intrigued but, do not want to go through the unattractive growing out process, you may want to read a great article by cosmetologist/writer, Kendra Aarhus: How to Grow Out Your Natural Hair Color—Without Looking Ridiculous along the way.

As the months go by, you or anyone else need not see the line of demarcation as the color treated hair grows further from the scalp. There are several ways to make the transition look good from start to finish. We can help you gracefully go white right. The process usually takes 6 months to a year. We start with a consultation where we will explain your options

Call us to schedule an appointment for a consultation and with your particular life style in mind we will help you make the decision as to what is the best choice for your particular hair and situation. We will give you the timeline we estimate it will take to perform the first step, how many visits we expect you will need and our price for the various services. The consultation fee is $30 and will be given back to you in a gift card form with your first session. We would welcome you and celebrate your right to go white right.

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